Norway - Workshop
The EDU-ARCTIC team had the pleasure to invite teachers from schools registered on the portal to submit their application for participation in the Educators’ Forum in Norway. This workshop was dedicated to schools and teachers from northern Europe (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Færø Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Svalbard).
DAY 0 (17 Oct) – arrival and check-in at hotel from 3pm. Dinner at 8 pm.
DAY 1 (18 Oct)
09:00-09:45 Welcome by EDU-ARCTIC project leader Agata Gozdzik, IGF. Philosophy and resources in the EDU-ARCTIC program
09.45-10:00 coffee break
INSPIRATION session - chair: Lis Mortensen
10:00-10:15 Livestream greetings from Hornsund, Svalbard by Anna Nadolna, IGF
10:15-10.45 Glimpses from the Arctic Competition 2017. How to participate in the Arctic Competition 2018. With presentations from the hosting polar stations:
10:45-11:15 Living and doing research at Svanhovd, Norway by Paul E. Aspholm, NIBIO
11.15-11.45 Travelogue “EDU ARCTIC Faroe expedition diary 2017” by Stylianos Anastasopoulos (Greece) and Liliana Skrycka-Kuźniewska (Poland)
12:00-13:00 lunch
TEACHING session chair: Paul E. Aspholm
13:00-13:15 Using EDU-ARCTIC in teaching, including oral presentations from teachers using EDU-ARCTIC tools in their own classrooms:
13:15-13:30 “Why EDU-ARCTIC program is important” by Urmimala Banerjee, Sweden
13:30-13:45 “An Arctic Explorer” by Eirini Siotou, Greece
13:45-14:00 “EDU-ARCTIC in Iași, Romania” by Constantin Gheorghiță, Romania
TRAINING session - chair: Krzysztof Man
14:00-14:30 An overview on how the EDU-ARCTIC online portal works
14:30-15:00 Hands-on practice; signing up and participating in a webinar (a short webinar conducted live from Svanhovd by bear specialist Alexander Kopatz, NIBIO)
15:00-15:30 coffee break with time for looking at participants’ posters:
“Perspectives on teaching intermediate pupils about the impact of - pollution and waste on the polar regions” by Nicolai Bjerre, Denmark
"The Arctic health starts from us" by Angela Colli, Italy
15:30:16:30 Round-table exchange of experiences. Four groups working on separate topics (webinars, competition, monitoring system, POLARPEDIA), each group subsequently sharing and showing for the larger group.
16:30-17:00 Joint exchanges of ideas
CONCLUDING session – chair: Paul E. Aspholm
17:00-17:15 “How to be an EDU-ARCTIC ambassador”
17:15-17:45 Kahoot-quiz and wrap-up of the day
Dinner at 6 pm.
In case of questions, you may contact:
Paul Aspholm
NIBIO, Svanhovd