Expedition to Polish Polar Station in Hornsund – Svalbard 2018
Organiser: Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Ksiecia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warsaw, Poland.
What will happen during the expedition?
The expedition will take approximately 12 days, including boat/vessel trip to the station from Longyearbyen.
The trip will take place at Hornsund Polish Polar Station on Svalbard and station’s surroundings. To Longyearbyen winners will be travelling by planes, whereas from Longyearbyen to the station by vessel or by boat. The boat/vessel journey takes approximately 12 to 20 hours. The trip is strongly dependent on weather conditions and in case of extremely bad weather conditions, the agenda may be changed.
There will be indoor activities - lectures and laboratory works, as well as outdoor activities - trekking, hiking, climbing for sampling. Observations of atmospheric phenomena are conducted at the Station (included Earth’s electric field, UV radiation and aerosol). There’s a chemical laboratory, where you can analyze the chemical composition of surface and precipitation waters. There are also continuous records of Earth’s seismology and Earth’s natural magnetic field.
A few one-or two-day mountain trips are also possible. During outdoor activities students may visit Baranowski Research Station, trapper’s huts and Hans glacier. If the weather conditions are good, there will be a possibility to take part in a boat trip on the Hornsund fjord.
The detailed agenda of the expedition will be announced to winners at least one month before the expedition.
Are there any benefits in taking part?
Opportunity to get acquainted with the work of a scientist in an attractive location, acquiring behavior skills in the field, as well as sampling preparation and performing scientific research. Moreover, Svalbard offers unique and magnificent scenery, diverse and fascinating fauna and intriguing cultural heritage.
Organisers will pay for your flight tickets to Longyearbyen, vessel trip to the station and insurance (option needed on Svalbard with SAR). Accommodation with full board will be provided. All the field or boat trips will be organised for you for free.
We will provide with more information.