Arctic Competitions - Find out more
EDU-ARCTIC invites pupils from schools across Europe and outside to join the Arctic Competition with their teachers and develop a science project or an innovation project designed for an arctic environment.
Young students and their teachers who are fascinated by disciplines such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics, though not yet scientists, will have the opportunity to take part in a scientific expedition in the Arctic.
The Arctic competition is for teams of one pupil (or 2 pupils) aged 13 to 20, and one teacher. Participating teams can come from schools across Europe and outside.
The pupil with the teacher as a mentor, develops:
- a research project or
- an innovation project
For detailed information on the applications, guidelines for submissions and description of criteria, see the Rules of Arctic competition section.
The teams can win an expedition to one of the arctic stations within the EDU-ARCTIC project: In the summer of 2019 the destinations for the expeditions will be to Northern Norway and the Faroe Islands.
At these locations the participants will join a 6 day long arctic expedition and take part in field work conducted in the area. For details see Expedition information sheet.
Who can join the competition?
- Teams from schools across Europe and outside.
- A team consists of one or two students and one mentor, who is a teacher at the school.
- The teacher does not necessarily have to be the students’ teacher at the moment. However, he/she must be employed at the same school.
- The teacher and the students join the arctic expedition together and the teacher is
responsible for the students’ wellbeing on the expedition. - The students must be between 13 and 20 years old at the time of the arctic expedition.
- The students and teachers have to be able to communicate well in English.
- Before submission teacher must get the written, signed consent of student, whose work he/she submits for the competition within the EDU-ARCTIC project. In case of minor the written, signed consent of student’s legal guardians must be obtained.
The participation in the Arctic competition is voluntary. You can ask questions about the competition before deciding whether or not to participate. If you do agree to participate, you may withdraw yourself from the project at any time, without giving a reason and without penalty.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) Does a research project proposed in edition 2019 need to be related only to stations on the Faroe Islands and Northern Norway?
No, it just has to be related to the Arctic.
2) How to find information on research conducted on those stations?
You may search on your own in Internet. Below you will find the links to the partners’ websites.
The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research - NIBIO and Svanhovd Station
Institute of Geophysics PAS (Poland) and Polish Polar Station Hornsund
Jardfeingi (Faroe Islands)
Arctic Portal - Iceland and Karholl Aurora Observatory
We also encourage you to take part in online lessons. Then you will have the opportunity to find more about research conducted at stations and ask scientists about their work or the biggest challenges, they face in their work. The list of online lessons you may find here.
3) May students or teachers contact staff at the stations directly? To whom should they write?
You may contact one from our team.
4) Is it necessary to describe state of the art for research proposed?
No. However, if you may refer to some previous research, it would be appreciated.
5) What should be included in the desription of the research project
You need to formulate a question, make a hypothesis, design a plan for testing it, including e.g. presentation of the results. You may see the graphic "Curiousity-method for research project", which explaines the steps.
6) Could you give some examples of innovation project?
- Example 1: Matthew Velderrain was the winner of 2012 Arctic Innovation Junior Competition, with the invention: The Thermal Suit - A snowsuit with face mask, gloves, and snow boots which is also heated by thermal wires. See more.
- Example 2: Ian Kenaston was the winner of 2016 Arctic Innovation Junior Competition, with the invention: Easy Transplant Pot - The Easy Transplant Pot is a simple, reusable pot that would make home growing of plants for food or decoration easier. When the plant grows and it becomes time to transplant, vertical latches on the sides of the pots can be undone and the plant, roots, and dirt will easily come out. This idea also won the JR Division Fan Favorite Award.
7) Should innovation be feasible? Is prototype obligatory?
You should aim to make the prototype feasible, but not necessarily within the resources achievable for the participant. Prototype is not obligatory.
8) Can one school submit just one or maybe more projects?
One school can send multiple projects, each team can send one application.
(1 team consist of 1 teacher and 1 or 2 student, but the teacher can be in many teams).
9) What should be included in our project? I mean the aims, scientific actions/what will be examined, awaited results etc?
Please see the Arctic Competition rules, page 2-4.
10) How long should the full proposal be?
If it is an essay, it must be max. 7500 characters (+illustrations and pictures).
Video has to be less than 5 min. long, it can also be an animation.
Poster has to be an original artwork poster.
(More information on this is on the Submission Guide, Page 3 and 4 in the Rules of the Arctic Competition)
11) Should the project be in English?
Yes, all submissions must be made in English. Also, the on-line interview with finalists will be conducted in English. Its obligatory for the student and the teacher to communicate well in English.
12) Does the research project has to be completed before submission?
No. You are submitting a proposal for a research project and the project does not need to be implemented or conducted by the end of the competition. If it is possible and practical to work with the project on the expedition, the expedition leader will take this into account.
13) Do you have a specific format of the consent of participants for the Arctic competions?
Yes. It is required that before the submission teacher obtains consent form for participation in the Arctic Competitions. There are two templates (one to be chosen, depending on the student's age). If a student is an adult, please, use the template for students. If a student is a minor, please use the template for legal guardians. Please, keep the signed papers till the end of the competition. Signed documents from winners will be needed.
14) Do I need to send or submitt a consent form signed by my student or his/her legal guardians?
If your student/students win, we will request for sending an electronic copy of the signed consent form.