ERIS guest webinar: DIGITAL MAPS AND GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES - upper secondary schools
We review concepts related to “Coordinate Reference System” (2D and 3D) and to geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude and height). A theoretical algorithm for measuring distances around the globe is provided (adapted to the level of study – lower or upper secondary schools) and a practical and fun method for measuring latitude and longitude. Also the relations between positions (and distances) on the surface of the globe and a 2D map is discussed related to “conversion systems”, in the context of modern technologies that use GPS tracking systems. Will be discussed practical applications of these theoretical knowledge as: use the map location of various places of interest (home and school position, the distances between them, etc.); using information from databases accessible via the Internet to calculate distances and surfaces; finding important administrative or cultural information, for example “Romanian National Agency for Cadaster and Real Estate”, or “e-Heritage,” a portal of “Romanian National Heritage Institute” (archeology; art-architecture; written heritage; mobile heritage; ethnography; history; music; numismatics and theater) etc.