Unfantastic climate change and how to find it
Global climate changes are a fact, confirmed by many science disciplines and increasingly recognised by politicians and the economy. It can often seem, however, that the panicky tone of some of the media or apocalyptic predictions of scientists are exaggerated - the weather is "normal" after all. This lesson aims at explaining the basic mechanism of the global warming and show the ways in which the changes of the climate system influence events in our everyday life.
Aside of the lecture, questions will be an important part of the lesson. During the class a system for asking questions on-line, Slido, will be active. At the end of the lesson the lecturer will answer some of the asked questions, it will be also possible to ask questions via microphone. Students can ask questions individually, with their smartphones, or as a group, through computer. To use Slido go to sli.do website and type the meeting number given by the lecturer at the lesson's beginning.